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✡ 🎧.˚₊♫ 💙 Sania Ghorbani 💙 ♫₊˚.🎧 ✡

Discernment Flower Essence

Discernment Flower Essence

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Themes of Discernment Essence:


The flower essence for warrior level boundaries. 

The Scottish Thistle first started to grow in my garden randomly and it hadn't flowered yet but i knew i was in love already and knew this plant was there with a cosmic greeting but my dad removed it when i wasn't there :( then it showed up on my walks in an abandoned area before a building commencing since the fairies could reach there, i kept asking what is your name beloved and waiting, then it showed up again to say hello at our campsite where we were staying with a beloved white horse and thats where i finally found out the nature + name of this beloved and why it was keen to work with me to create this for us. 

I had been sad that Samuel couldnt tell the difference between black magicians and white magicians, so i had asked for help, it seems this beloved helps us to Discern between what is pretending to be nice using flowery words but might be holding a knife behind their back compared with people who might be a little more rough around the edges, off putting  even perhaps, but with pure intentions behind the incessant nagging lol.

This beloved also helps our fears around feeling trapped and confined that we can oftentimes project upon our spirit for its healthy demands to help us evolve and transcend our own limitations. Its an energy we can often interpret as Tough Love but its an unyielding love and faith in your highest possibility that yes can sometimes be tough on us due to limits we incessantly uphold through lying to ourselves.

This helps to release negative past experiences from this lifetime, other lifetimes and dimensions around structure and authority which god knows has been anything but pleasant for us which we often times can again project unto the person trying to help us sometimes which is ourselves, while we easily swallow the temporary instant gratifications served to us by the countless snake oil salesman who are hiding behind instant gratification and non ending distractions that they employ in their service as black magicians, this can be health professionals, influencers, artists, musicians and anyone in power and influence that has gained the trust of a group of people through the control pillars of society, glamour, seduction or otherwise. This can include people we love in our personal lives since they are themselves under the spell of untrustworthy figures and structures.

This wisdom is razor sharp and nothing can withstand its scrutiny. The connections with Scottish thistle for me go on and on forever, i feel very close to my paternal lineage of Elohei guardians when they are near and a unique kindred repport with them, the violet colour reminds me of holy father, and the divine masculine that is truly holy mothers child and has embodied the divine feminine within his masculine vessel. This essence was made in conjunction with the Kingdom essence, many overlaps from origin of the cosmic energies and families behind them to the way and timing they manifested in the here and now.

I could go on all day about scottish thistle, but perhaps i should introduce the other beloved flower in this blend and that is Star Jasmine. This beloved has been one of the first flowers i really met intimately and connected to early on in my journey as a healer, I connected to it years before i ever found out the name and there was an instant connection, the aroma is majical and since they are in lots of places in Sydney, i am always surrounded by them and seek them out so that i can go to them when i need a moment and a pick me up with friends. 

I sniff them every chance i get lol, spiritually with the subtle forces they work very similarly to how they work by just smelling them, They ease depression, sadness, grief and bring possibility to the moment. Helping us to approach our perspective from a place of openness instead of the rigidity that closes us off from seeing many pathways out or into something, that creates self expression and therefor fulfillment.

Star Jasmine is a beautiful ally in lifting our minds from worry and anxiety, which no matter the reason or circumstance is violence to the self, we are eternal and nothing finite should have this influence over our mind or heart, ever. Star Jasmine helps us to feel like we are children again, fully able to let go and give all the control to the divine so that we may be free to enjoy, laugh, love and play. Teaching us to embody the stillness within the storm, becoming the eye of any storm. 

I recommend using this as needed, three drops under the tongue, 

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