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✡ 🎧.˚₊♫ 💙 Sania Ghorbani 💙 ♫₊˚.🎧 ✡

Kingdom Flower Essence

Kingdom Flower Essence

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Themes of Kingdom Essence:

TransformationMasculine Archetype Healing / Collapsing Artificial Timelines / Unity / Override False King of Tyranny / Disclosure / Transcendence / Sophias Battle

This essence is for those electrifying times when swift action and defence is required from our spirit, in alignment to the highest for all. Herculean Strength for uncompromising resolution in each of our unique individual mission piece. Valiant courage and bold precise moves, whilst we are heavily targeted and our creations copied and inverted as coders of the universes. 

Ingredients: Pink Callistemon, Lavender Hydrosol, Amethyst Crystal, Cert Org Grape Brandy, Spring Water. 

Story Of the Kingdom Essence: 

It was on a very intense walk home after a few days of explosive turmoil caused by the edict of war made on starseeds on the 8th of sep 2023 that it was a beautiful tree that was blooming said hi, i had been connecting to Red Callistemons for a few years now but i had never connected to one on this depth and a pink one too which is a lot more rare, this is when it became apparent to me the energy of our cosmic father that was held by these beloveds which i was surprised i hadn't noticed before.

On this day I had almost not made it, I had almost not shown up due to the pain and constant attacks, i hadn't even been able to sleep that night. 

We connected after i had faced the fear and threats over showing up and being a placement holder for whatever needed to be held that day. I somehow was fully dressed in my pink and lilac clothes head to toe, even though i had barely paid attention to what i was wearing and had thrown whatever was laying around on so i could show up last minute.

The day had been filled with the archetypal forces of King Arthur, it was this force that had held me all day and this tree felt as a physical extension of this in the here and now. It supported me and soothed my heart. I felt our cosmic holy father presence with our beloved holy mother right beside him, holding his hand. They were encouraging me on my path to face my fears and to stand up for myself but with an activated unconditional kindness in my heart.

I was asked to make an essence with the pink Callistemon to have with me and to share with all who are entering a phase of uncompromising action in Sophias Battle of retrieval and deliverance for all her children from the bondage of its oppressors. This exchange energised me and lifted me from grief, reminded me of why im here to begin with, of how strong i am and can be when its aligned to my heart source, i felt every cell awakening with an unyielding, liquid fire of change and the excitement of the possibilities i now could see clearly laid out before me.

I agreed and asked to be guided when to make the essence by my avatar self and all contributors to my cause and then i left with a serene strength in my heart that i had found difficult to connect with before this interaction. 

On the day of the spring equinox driving to a crystal expo I asked what the name of the essence would be and i received the name Kingdom. One morning at 5 am my eyes burst open with knowing that it was time. It wasnt until weeks later after making the essence that i realised this was the same day everybody was calling Kings Birthday in England. Again connecting it all back to Albion and King Arthurs and Queen Guineveres imminent re-seating in their rightful place. This brought even further awareness of the override energy contained in this essence, It is created to override the False King of Tyranny, The false timelines and the false black dragon kings and queens who have usurped and are now masquerading in the place of our beloved benevolent leaders and using the structures they built for us for horrifying purposes.

This is all directly connected to the disclosure timelines, there is a reason ITNJ was created just for the sole purpose to hide and control any testimonies being made against the "royal" families of England, since it is the seating of Arthur and Guinevere in the Albion that births the disclosure timelines on the earth, this is a powerful node that is going to set everything in motion that the enemies to our liberation and evolution are quite aware of and will do anything to prevent.

May it bring you all you need, to support you in your personal override of false timelines and the false king of tyranny and as below, so above. May it bless you with the valiant courage already residing in your heart that needs only to be understood and loved to actualise fully in the here now. May you find and pull the excalibur out, so that you can, take your rightful place as a defender and protector of earth, raining down full disclosure on all.

Reaching critical mass is ever closer, sometimes we can even taste it, so here we ask the hundredth monkey effect to be held as an amplifier of our intentions. One more, is all it takes. Je Suis Prest.


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