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✡ 🎧.˚₊♫ 💙 Sania Ghorbani 💙 ♫₊˚.🎧 ✡

Sacred Union Flower Essence

Sacred Union Flower Essence

Regular price $22.22 AUD
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This Essence has been in the works for many years now, It all started with wanting to make my first essence ever with the Jerusalem Artichokes my dad happened to be growing at a time where we were reconnecting, I would water them everyday and they would really bring me strength at a time when all the threats at our sovereignty were being implemented and if you read about the spiritual energy for this flower, it is very masculine and has a lot to do with healing our paternal lineage, so naturally it felt very aligned to make this but something kept getting in the way, i cried a few times where i felt it was never going to happen since i missed the blossoms because i didnt have money to order the organic brandy i needed and in the middle of it all we moved houses so I didn't even know if he would ever plant them again. Fast forward to 2 years later and i had already made my first essence with Cosmos, when my dad planted them again and they started to bloom once again in our garden, this time with my brother by my side we made an amazing essence on a autumn day after weeks of spending time around them for their blooms this time were many and continuous, hanging out, laughing, sharing and connecting with their presence. 

The essence was made and sitting there on the shelf for a long time but somehow idk i was waiting for something. Only a few months ago i had the pleasure of meeting Passionfruit Marigold in person. She showed up for me on a really fun energetic day outside walking. There were many booby traps though, i had to get through a lot to even be able to get myself to a place to make the essence with her, she also showed up next to the Callistemon for the kingdom essence that day as a reminder that i had been taken off my path and forgotten to make this essence due to the direct attacks and ambushes around it since day one. So i braced myself and asked to be ready to make this in divine timing. I finally was guided but even right before making the essence fights and ambushes were ensuing and keeping me from even getting out of the car. It took every bit of single mindedness i had to make sure this happened. She also held me one night in person when i had been ambushed by a betrayal 9 years in the making, waiting for this specific time to be revealed so to be as impactful as it possibly could be, basically i hadnt been suicidal in a long time but this night walking around at 2am in the streets not knowing what im going to do or where im going to go and wether i wanted to live anymore, i found her, she kept saying love yourself and i kept getting angry, like i do love myself what are you talking about, my problem isnt loving myself i kept insisting and scoffing, then she clarified "Love the parts of yourself that wish things could have been different" Since here i was suffering at the loss, the loss i didn't cause but very much so, was impacted by immensely. When this happens we tend to kind of shut the part of ourselves that had hope and wished for the highest since we feel betrayed by our own naiveté but it isnt our fault, there is no way we can protect ourselves from other peoples actions and betrayals. There is nothing we could have done to stop them, us wishing for the highest and the best isnt our downfall but being so disappointed that we change ourselves on account on other peoples lack, will be.

Was it the guardians fault that thoth betrayed them and stole the CDT plate and caused all the subsequent havoc on earth? could they have known when perhaps even thoth didnt know he was going to do that yet? is all this negativity gods fault? should god take sovereignty away because some people abuse their will and impose on the will of others? This is the seed fear and anger at god for horrible things happening. This essence is a beautiful essence for healing betrayals and feelings of helplessness since it is about embodying the spirits of Kryst that fully dissolve all seed fears which ultimately only feed the houses of ego and must be removed if we are to transcend our limitations and embody our Krystal Self that is the embodiment of uncompromising vritues, even in the face of loss caused to us by others.




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